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  1. علاج السعال الجاف هناك العديد من طرق الشفاء المنزلية التي تقطع شوطا طويلا في علاج السعال الجاف ، ومن أهمها ما يلي: 1- Honey It is an effective natural remedy for dry cough, and has been used since ancient times in alternative medicine, as honey stimulates the salivary glands to produce more saliva, which hydrates the bronchial tubes and airways and relieves dry coughs. Additionally, honey has anti-inflammatory properties, which work to boost the immune system. To use honey to treat a dry cough, you must: Mix equal amounts of honey, ginger juice, and pomegranate. Eat a tablespoon of the mixture two or three times a day. However, do not give honey to children under one year of age. 2- Gargle with water and salt Salt water helps relieve discomfort caused by coughing and also helps to expel any phlegm stuck in the airways. الحجم 0٪ استخدام الماء الدافئ للغرغرة من شأنه أن يرطب حلقك ويقلل السعال هناك ، لذا قم بما يلي: أضيفي نصف ملعقة صغيرة من الملح إلى كوب من الماء الدافئ واخلطيهم. تغرغر بهذا المحلول لبضع ثوان ثم ابصقه. كرر هذه العملية مرتين أو ثلاث مرات في اليوم. 3- خل التفاح: يعتبر خل التفاح من العلاجات الفعالة للسعال الجاف ، وذلك لما له من خصائص مهدئة ومطهرة ، وللحصول على أفضل علاج طبيعي من خلال التفاح يجب عليك: اخلطي ملعقتين كبيرتين من خل التفاح مع ملعقة كبيرة من العسل. أضف كوبًا من الماء الدافئ إلى الخليط. اشرب هذا المشروب مرتين في اليوم. معلومة مذكرة مجلة كوم البيت فكرة آخر الملف الشخصي بقعة ملوما
  2. Applications of artificial intelligence Applications of artificial intelligence in medicine Among the most important applications of artificial intelligence that help us in the medical field are: Ada App - Your Health Guide: This application displays some questions for you to compare them with some answers that are similar to your cases. So that he can know your pain and determine what kind of illness you are suffering from, so that he can then provide the necessary advice for you. A large group of scientists and doctors have developed this application so that it can detect a wide range of diseases, from colds and flu to cancerous diseases. It is worth noting that this application is available for free on Google Play and you can download it at any time you like. Also, after evaluating this application, it will show you what you do, such as going to a doctor or a specialist or resorting to emergency. The most important thing about this app is that you can print your medical report and share it with your doctor. Applications of artificial intelligence in management Artificial Intelligence Applications This application is one of the most important applications that can be enjoyed in your daily life: Otter Voice Note App: This application is mainly based on artificial intelligence techniques, through which you can record whatever voice notes you want. This app converts those audio recordings into written texts as well as the conversations that happen between people. Otter Voice Notes is an important app for business people and journalists. As they use it in their interviews and in their press conversations, you can also search through your conversations and share them with friends and business partners through this application. It also gives you convert your text files to pdf files or convert them to any other applications. Also, you can convert audio files to mp3 format. The most important thing about this application is that you can insert pictures into your files, and you can also put these conversations in folders, and you can search for them by keyword that can match other words. Watch the history of artificial intelligence Applications of artificial intelligence in education Artificial intelligence has become changing the world around us, and it can be used in the medical, entertainment and global fields, and among the most important applications used in education are the following: Gladiabots Application: This application is available on Google Play where you can download it for free. Gladiabots is a strategy game that helps you learn artificial intelligence, as you program software for a set of robots. These robots wrestle according to that program that you have programmed, and it is worth noting that this application does not need to learn programming in order to be able to use it, but it is suitable for beginners. It does not require you to delve into the programming education, because it is all about creating suitable conditions for those robots to wrestle with. Entertainment artificial intelligence applications Artificial Intelligence Applications In case you need entertainment and relaxation, this application is suitable for you: Brain.fm app: This application is available through Google Play for Android phones, and iPhone and iPad users can download it from the iTunes store. After downloading this app, you can choose what you want to enjoy, be it meditation, relaxation, focus or sleep. Then the application will play music tracks according to what was previously selected. This application provides you with a wide range of musical notes designed with artificial intelligence to make you improve the process of relaxation and meditation within 15 minutes a day. See also artificial intelligence programs Artificial Intelligence Applications in Industry There are a large number of industries that have benefited from the applications of artificial intelligence, which we will talk about now: Artificial intelligence in the automotive industry The companies that work in the field of phones industry are limited in number, but they have financial capabilities that are not found in other industries. For example, Apple, whose marketing value in 2018 is one trillion dollars. Artificial intelligence applications are also considered to be the backbone of the smart phone industry, in order to increase their share in the financial market. These companies are also using artificial intelligence applications to develop that industry and see what consumers are looking for. https://m3l0ma.com/return-applications/ http://accounting.m3l0ma.com/ https://m3l0ma.com/