
Mackhen pepper

3 bài viết trong chủ đề này

Mackhen pepper (mắc khén ) is Vietnamese Szechuan or Sichuan pepper and it is harvested exclusively wild. However, botanically, it is not a pepper, but belongs to the citrus plants and has a slightly sour taste. After consumption, a slightly sparkling feeling, similar to the effect of carbonic acid in the mouth, is noticeable.

Mackhen pepper 01-3

In Vietnam, spices such as Mackhen pepper; Maqaw may chang, Long pepper; Phu quoc pepper… are grown naturally on hilly areas without the support of fertilizers or pesticides because this is a tree that comes from the forest, so it grows very strongly.

Locals collect their seeds and fruits and then sell them to Doispice. We store and preserve them very carefully, without using any preservatives in order to bring consumers the best and healthy spices.

The product is 100% natural and is not harmful to consumers' health.

Please come to the world of all-natural Central Highlands spices at Doispice Co.Ltd - buying these ingredients is easy.

Contact us

If you are interested in our products, please contact us immediately:

Doispice Co.Ltd

Phone: (+84) 965 184 358


Address: 40 Phung Hung, Hoa Binh, Vietnam

We are ready to advise and assist you.

Tags: mắc khén, mắc khén xuất khẩu

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