
How To Recover Yahoo Mail Account

1 bài viết trong chủ đề này

Dial +1-888-303-0802 When you have too many passwords to remember, it's common to forget your Yahoo Mail account password. If you've ever had trouble logging into your Yahoo account, it could be because you don't remember your password or someone hacked into your account and changed its password. In this case, the best way to restore control of your account is to Recover Yahoo Mail Account
1. First, open Yahoo!
2. Click "I don't remember my password".
3. On the next page, enter your Yahoo account email ID.
4. After that, on the next page, there will be a chance to recover three passwords. So, follow the recovery options of your choice.
Recovery using alternate email. Email address. This password recovery link will be sent to your alternate email. Email: Clicking this link will take you to the password recovery page, where you will need to provide a new password to recover your account.

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