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Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology and the secret of the universe

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Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology and the secret of the universe - Part 1

Nguyen Vu Tuan Anh

Center of Research Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology

Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology and the secret of the universe

Knowledge bequeathed by the ancients of application methods in Ancient Oriental academy will be useful and effective means, an available knowledge for us to open the door to the secret of the universe.(*)

The Oriental culture with a huge heritage is bequeathed in human’s cultural treasure. From astronomy, numeric calendar, medicine, foretelling, feng shui… are applied effectively over millenniums in the Oriental people’s lives. It has brought the Orient’s prosperity while the West remains in "Long night in Middle Age".

But it can be said what we have acquired in the Oriental cultural heritage so far is only application methods. What theoretic and practical principles create awareness to have such principles are still very ambiguous. The Oriental civilization still challenges contemporary human’s intelligence by its mystery.

Today, with a standstill of the top values of human’s knowledge in discovering secrets of the universe, some of the most excellent scientists have had a reserved view of the Oriental civilization in discovering its secrets. They have just had connection in the nature of phenomenon and have not yet set forth any comments on it. It can be confirmed that although some of academic values of Ancient Orient have received negative point of view, the existence over millenniums and effectiveness in the Ancient Oriental social become the most convincible proofs of objectiveness as reflecting its potential truth.

Therefore, deciphering secrets in ancient Oriental culture, especially Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology is very necessary and basic for development of human’s knowledge in the future.

Methodology of Ancient Oriental academy.

As adopting application methods of Ancient Oriental academy – e.g. Oriental medicine – we are very astonished at ambiguous concepts such as the six kinds ourather (六氣), five movements (五运), cloaca and pulses and acupuncture spot ways, etc. Although we do not know anything about them, yet they seem to be effective as applying their methods such as diagnosis by feeling pulse, acupuncture, etc. If we promptly consider it superstition and beliefs just because we do not understand about it, it is probably the most infantile and obscure in terms myntelligence. If it is belief, it must have idol symbol, even though such idol is only a foot of a banian-tree, lime pot or a roadside crumpled temple. But methods of Ancient Oriental academy herein exist by their own values. Their own values are their effective existence over thousands of years in the Oriental people’s lives. It can be said that no scientific theory can stand firm on its own over millenniums like that. Therefore, discovering and proving the real scientism with content of this concept are well justified. Moreover, the fact shows that the knowledge of the contemporary science has not yet discovered thoroughly realities in the universe and in our lives. Therefore, we totally have grounds for raising issues of unknown realities that have been discovered and founded by knowledge in Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology and this knowledge has been made it become concept by terminologies, reflecting unknown realities.

One thing should be noted, that is,:

Most of methodologies in the huge application methods of the Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology - from astronomy, numeric calendar, feng shui, medicine, forecast ….for each detail involving in life and human being – have mentioned Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory and also linking with bagua (eight symbols).

This is the real basis to affirm that:

It is Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory that are theoretic bases and premise principle of all application methods of the Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology. And this principle is consequence of real awareness undiscovered by man.

The issue is:

With a reality unknown by contemporary people’s knowledge and shown by a certain concept from awareness of the ancients, it is essential that we cannot understand contents of such concept.

Therefore, the next issue is:

Which reality has became aware to be the Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology?

The essential reasonableness is that methodologies applying Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology in application methods must be consequence of their theoretic principle. There would not be possible to have a rocket before theory of reaction engine. Therefore, it is totally reasonable and scientific – when we recover the entire Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology and reality creating premise awareness of such principle - from application methods and methodology with its ambiguous concepts.

The universe in the mystery of Oriental culture.

Contemporary science has developed quickly in comparison with previous centuries in terms of seeing and knowing the universe. The people was very proud of contemporary knowledge obtained. People has placed their martial footsteps on the moon, ending all romantic legends of Phoebe over millenniums. This has placed the scientific knowledge in the predominant position in the people’s knowledge. Contemporary scientific knowledge of today is closer to reality than yesterday. But it cannot be knowledge of reality of tomorrow or the future. It can be affirmed that:

The scientific knowledge of today is not the final truth even though it is recognized by any methodology.

- It, of course, includes the most strictly scientific standards and this article was written in the name of science. As being person interested in contemporary scientific theories, you will definitely acknowledge that the contemporary scientific knowledge has reached impasse in discovering the origin of the universe. It exactly reaches the ceiling of time. Some scientists have a look at the mysterious Oriental culture. They were astonished as relating the most contemporary scientific theories to values of the Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology. But they covered only the relation of phenomenon. The Oriental culture remains secret grandiosely and imposingly to challenge the scientific knowledge with proudness of contemporary man.

The existence of application methods in the Ancient Oriental academy over thousands of years in reality cannot be rebutted. Therefore, we can find out the reasonableness only when we think that:

The Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology is awareness of ancient knowledge on unknown realities in the universe. It has expressed realities that it can recognize by its concepts. The secret of the Oriental culture is that the contemporary scientific knowledge does not know what reality creates these concepts.

It is essential that we do not know what reality creates the concept in the Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology, then we cannot understand what such concept expresses. This is a very important reason for the grandiose mystery of the Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology.

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Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology and the secret of the universe - Part 2

To look for the reality of the mystery

Contemporary science acknowledges that:

Interaction is the first and also the last reason of living beings.

Interaction is the momentum to develop the world and is also the reason to destroy it.

The origin and the nature of the world are studied and awaked by the principle mynteraction. Each form mynteraction has its own nature.

Therefore, the development of the contemporary science has acknowledged that the interaction is the reason of the thing and the fact: “Each form mynteraction has its own nature of the fact”. But it is only the general and common awareness. The contemporary science has not yet shown specifically how the interaction of each planet in the solar system, or each star in the Galaxy affects the life of the Earth, including the human.

Another reasonableness for issue set forth:

The interaction has rule, resulting in formation and development of the thing and the fact to have the rule.

The appearance of astronomy software Skymap Pro is an affirmation of the movement with rule of the universe. Or it is at least the movement with rule of stars in the Galaxy near the Earth and of planets in the solar system. The astronomy software cannot be programmed without rule. But there is one scientific target we should note that foretelling skill cannot exist without rule.

Therefore – according to the above analysis – it is totally scientific grounds for us to suppose that:

Foretelling methods in the Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology reflect the reality that the interaction has rule in the universe. This is the reality that the contemporary scientific knowledge does not know and this is the reason of the Oriental mystery, because concepts reflecting realities have not been known yet.

In the course of studying the Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology, we realized that: Most of application methods in the Ancient Oriental academy are satisfied factors in target of the contemporary science.

Target of the contemporary science determines that:

A scientific hypothesis is considered true if it can explain reasonably most of relevant issues in consistent and complete fashion with objectiveness, rule and foretelling skill.

Now I would like to take Astrology – naturally considered the top of “superstition” – to prove it.

* In Astrology, there is not factor of theocracy.

* All factors of Astrology are arranged by the rule and depend on objective information, that is, date of birth and time of birth of a person. This is a factor of time. This time naturally reflect a space compatible with it. In other words: It reflects an effect of the universe interacting in the time of forming a person and creating the personality of such person interacting with social environment – naturally affected by the interaction of the universe effects. "Each form mynteraction has its own nature of the fact".

* Astrology has a consistent methodology on the basis of factors arranged in rule.

* Method of Astrology is to reflect objectively behaviours and realities in human’s life (The wrong reflection depends on capability of the inferrer, not method of Astrology).

* And the foretelling skill is very wonderful. It can be affirmed that: No contemporary scientific theory can create a foretelling method like Astrology now and after hundreds of years or so. Except that man acknowledges the Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology and consideres the strictly scientific researched. In other words, it is foretelling skill that gives life to a person – a small creature in the infinite universe – and shows the outstanding and extensive knowledge of the ancients mynteraction rules of the universe from the movement of the galaxies to the smallest affects on the Earth. Without such knowledge, its consequence cannot exist, that is, foretelling method of Astrology for each destiny of human.

The professor Trinh Xuan Thuan had said:

To explain even the smallest phenomenon, it was necessary to adduce the entire formation history of the universe.

The department of Astrology and Oriental forecasting methods had explained behaviour of human - "a very small phenomenon" in the universe. Obviously, it must be result of a thorough knowledge of the entire formation history pf the universe and it must understand well most mynteractions with a rule of the universe to create its wonderful foretelling skill.

It is clearly that we can show shortcomings of Astrology and most of application methods belonging to the Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology. But it does not mean that its reality and values of knowledge are not denied just because of shortcoming of method (here, I have not taken into account of the shortcoming and difference due to lost tradition).

No method is complete since it is the consequence of human’s awareness. The reason is that human’s awareness reflects reality, but it is not such reality.

Therefore, with the above theoretical points, we have reasonable basis to assess effects of the interaction with rule in the universe and prove that it is a part of unknown reality, being conceptualized by ancient terminologies of the Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology.

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Principle of Oriental Astrology and the secret of the universe - Part 3

Effect of the interaction of the universe in the Principle of Oriental Astrology

When set forth issues on grounds, some scientific bases show that:

One of essential realities creating Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrolog is effects mynteraction with rule of celestial bodies in the universe.

Many people with scientific knowledge probably show that:

It is obviously, anything in this universe always has interaction!

You can’t say that again! It is one of the first grounds for issue persisted of this essay. But here, I want to mention the rule of the interaction and set forth the distinction of each effect of such interaction with rule, or exactly speaking that it is the interaction effect of each object in the universe of the Principle of Oriental Astrology. This is unknown reality of contemporary scientific knowledge.

There will probably be many people who will disagree and say that I am doing unreal things to propagandize superstition without scientific bases. This is a posibility occured. Approximately 7 – 8 years ago, in Tri Thuc Trẻ magazine, there was a argument of person with high diploma and in the highest position in the Astronomy of Vietnam (I did not remember his name, it is probably my luck) and Mr. Ha Vi Tu. Mr. Ha Vi Tu stood up for the Astrology as science, and unknown mister, in the name of his leading astronomic knowledge, censured it as superstition, without scientific bases. Their argument came to nothing, and no one had enough persuasive ground, therefore, it was suspended in some articles.

Recently, Doctor Dang Son published “Astrology is totally scientific”. But in this book, he also could not produce persuasive grounds.

To prove this, it is necessary to reasonably show which reality creates the Astrology and which basis of theoretic principle is behind it and is its premise. Nobody can do this. Affirmation will be definitely, if the reality mynteraction with rule of each quantity presented in more than 100 Astrological stars can be shown. This is very difficult and is not intention of this essay. But this essay will prove the scientism of Astrology and one of essential realities creating the Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology by relating to phenomena close to contemporary scientific knowledge on astronomy. Then show that one of essential realities as basis of the Principle of Ancient Oriental Astrology, including the Astrology, is the effect mynteration with rule of the universe.

Comparing target of the contemporary science with factors forming the Astrology is only a reasonable basis for issue persisted: the Scientism of Astrology on the basis ourrget of the contemporary science, and it has not proved that Astrology is a scientific method, if it has not proved that a reality is its ground.

To prove that interaction effects from the universe are reality for awareness to create the Principle of Ancient Oriental academy including the Astrology, I would like to begin from one phenomenon passing among the common people. That is phenomenon of Observing time.

I have already mentioned this phenomenon for the first time in “Back to the origin of I Ching” originated from the idea of professor Le Van Suu. But this time, it exists in my article as a ground proving the above supposition.

Observing time and effect of the universe

According to the professor Le Van Suu, most of the old Vietnamese mothers know the Observing time passing among the common people.

There are some of different variants of Observing time. But according to the Professor Le Van Suu’s findings mentioned in the “Principle of the ancient Oriental biology” (Cultural Information Publishing House 1996), the Observing time is described as follows:

Observing time

The song of time of birth breaking the Observing time:

Chính, thất, sơ sinh Tỵ, Hợi

Nhị, bát Thìn, Dog bất thậm nghi

Tam, Cửu, Mão, Dậu đinh thượng nhiên

Tứ, Thập Dần, Thân kỷ định kỳ

Ngũ, đồng thập nhất Sửu, Mùi thượng

Lục đồng thập nhị Rate, Horse chi,

It means that Observing time according to lunar month and time of Earthly Segment

* January/ snake hour * July / Pig hour

* February / dragon hour * August / Dog hour

* March / rabbit hour * September / Rooster hour

* April / Tiger hour * October / Monkey hour

* May / Ox hour * November / Sheep hour

* June / Rat hour * December / horse hour

According to the ancients, children with time of birth breaking the Observing time is very weak and found difficult to bring up in childhood, and become bandit as growing up. Parents who have children with time of birth in the Observing time are very painful.

The observing time is selected by the writer of this essay according to the professor Le Van Suu’s collection, because this material has been inspected a phenomenon relating to disease, i.e. this material has been verified coincidental phenomona. In other words: this material has reasonableness in the interrelationships. The Professor Le Van Suu wrote:

According to my findings, children with time of birth breaking the Observing time often has unstable function of kidney, most of them develop easily hepatitis in case of this epidemic.

The professor Le Van Suu’s the most wonderful idea possibly said, is that he used space model of the earth to show the relationship of Observing time. Since there are not means – computer or method to implement the idea – he had not yet brought out a persuasive ground for his idea. He wrote:

To understand the real value of Observing time, let model the Observing time in the following diagram. In the above diagram, we find that the Rat hour point of months is on the earth opposite to the Sun through the center of the earth, then over months, positions of the Observing times are quite opposite to the North of year’s orbit. Therefore the Observing time has values of the time in the place where the child is affected by the universe from outside the Sun.

On the basis of the professor Le Van Suu’ s idea, the writer has developed and corrected with the following diagram:

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Hour Dậu – tháng 9: Rooster hour – September

Hour Dog – tháng 8: Dog hour - August

Hour Hợi – tháng 7: Pig hour - July

Hour Tí – tháng 6: Rat hour - June

Hour Sửu – tháng 5: Ox hour - May

Hour Dần – tháng 4: Tiger hour - April

Hour Mão – tháng 3: Rabbit hour - March

Hour Thìn – tháng 2: Dragon hour - February

Hour Tỵ - tháng 1: Snake hour - January

Hour Horse - December: Horse hour - December

Sheep hour – november: Sheep hour - November

hour Thân – tháng 10: Monkey hour - October

The Observing time and the interaction effects from the universe

The above picture is prepared again based on the model of the professor Le Van Suu. According to the above diagram, positions of the Observing time on the earth equivalent together remain unchanged in comparison with the Sun. It means that the link from the center of the earth to position of the Observing time still creates parallels as the above picture. Therefore, readers will find a certain effect of the universe affecting human being in positions of the Observing time.

According to the Professor Le Van Suu’s findings and the above diagram show that the ancient Oriental civilization had found not only the phenomenon of the earth around the Sun, but also the Sun moving in its orbit. To show this, the volunteers of the modern astronomy had to stand trial or to be burn at the stake. That was Galile and Bruno’s situation in Italy in the 15th – 16th centuries. The above phenomenon of the Observing time shown that the knowledge of Lac Viet civilization had early realized that the interaction of the universe with the minimum unit of time was the time affecting human being.

With my argument as mentioned above, it is possible to bring out rejections under the following possibilities:

1) That the Observing time is only popular experience summarized from realities of life.

This explanation is only generated by the awareness from the reality, that is the concept of the Observing time passing among the common people. But this explanation does not have scientific bases, except for real values existing. Because it does not have reasonable basis of argument and capability of explaining relevant issues. Because a phenomenon happening to the person is the result of combination of many factors. The same persons cannot live in the same time of space – the same time, while this effect of the universe affects the human’s life through the minimum unit of time, “hour”. Moreover, its consequence is not only hepatitis, but also behaviour of person.

If a great power like USA wishes to summarize behaviours of a person, who is “very weak and found difficult to bring up in childhood, and becomes bandit as growing up”, and then results in the conclusion of coincidence of some of time of birth like Observing time, the fact also cannot be implemented in reality. Although USA – including even United Nations – mobilizes all modern means and manpower and money, the fact also cannot be implemented. The Professor Le Van Suu’s conclusion of hepatitis is only the verification of the value of available knowledge.

2) That this is only the contingent mathematical game.

It means that: From December - Ox month - with horse hour, then take one month backwards before taking one hour forwards (November - Sheep hour) ….until 12 hours. From this contingent game, the Observing time is made.

With such argument, it is only more advanced form than the division of 2622 years of Hung Vuong age, resulting in 145 years and conclusion: It is impossible to have the average biologic life expectancy for the human life. But they forgot to prove that 18 Kings Hung were 18 kings existing in reality to be basis for divisor.

A mistake of argument in the name of this mathematics is that there is not any relationship between the mathematical game and consequence of the Observing time against the human being, while the effect of the Observing time has existed in Vietnam over millenniums.

Thus, the above phenomenon of the Observing time can explain reasonably only when it shows that it is consequence of an unknown awareness of reality of the contemporary science. It belongs to the transcendent astronomic knowledge ourdpole civilization in the golden age in the South of the Yangtze river under the dynasty of kings Hung. The above universal model shows that an interaction effect from the universe has proved it.

The issue does not halt here.

The argument was so excited that the management board of must close the item of Văn Hiến Lac Viet. I knew that and sufferred so many bitters, but I had to repeat here that it was not any reason attributed to me, but if it is not generated from the basic principle for “King Wen "Later Heaven" bagua (eight symbols) of Lac Viet combining Hetu (河圖)”, it will never be able to discover secrets of the Principle of Oriental Astrology.

The Earth in the interrelationships of the Solar system from Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory

Before we discuss this issue, I have to be back to an axiom in the nature of principle of the Principle of Oriental Astrology from Lac Viet civilization. That is Lac Viet “Later Heaven” bagua combining Hetu (河圖).

One could possibly show that I have again the extreme spirit of nation, distort the Chinese book, illogically impose, and quibble, etc…..I have always heard it many times, first in my life from the time, when I finished the book of “Back to the origin of I Ching”, and bring to most of publishing houses for license, to noisy arguements are on The argument was so excited that the management board of must close the item of Văn Hiến Lac Viet. I knew that and sufferred so many bitters, but I had to repeat here that it was not any reason attributed to me, but if it is not generated from the basic principle for “King Wen "Later Heaven" bagua (eight symbols) of Lac Viet combining Hetu (河圖)”, it will never be able to discover secrets of the Principle of Oriental Astrology. In other words - with my modesty – if Lac Viet “Later Heaven” combining Hetu (河圖) is not acknowledged, the Oriental culture will be sunk in the mystery forever. No body can find the truth from the legend animal appearing on Yellow river, called Dragon Horse in Chinese book

Therefore, before continuing the explanation of effects of interaction with rule of celestial bodies near the earth, I have to glance through again the proving and comparison between this principle from Chinese ancient book “King Wen “Later Heaven” combining LuoShu (洛書)” and the basic principle from Lac Viet civilization of “Lac Viet “Later Heaven” combining Hetu (河圖)”.

King Wen “Later Heaven” combining LuoShu (洛書)

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Thủy – Bắc: Water – North

Tây – Kim: West – Metal

Đông – Mộc: East – Wood

Hỏa – Nam: Fire – South

Càn: Qian (乾) Chấn: Zhen (震)

Khảm: Kan (坎) Khôn: Kun (坤)

Cấn: Gen (艮) Ly: Li (離)

Đoài: Dui (兌) Tốn: Xun (巽)

Lac Viet “Later Heaven” combining Hetu (河圖)

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From two diagrams as mentioned above, if you learn the Principle of Oriental Astrology, you will find that:

* On the diagram in Chinese ancient book:

- There are inner contradictions in its Principle: Dui (兌 duì) – Metal is in the number 7, that is the number of Fire; Li - Fire is in the number 9, that is the number of Metal.

- The Diagram of LuoShu (洛書) with a counterclockwise direction shows the overcoming Wu Xing (五行) - five elements and will not reflect relevant issues in application methods of the Ancient Oriental academy. Of course it cannot explain reasonably issues relating to it, but it is the necessary factor according to scientific target.

* On the diagram from Lac Viet civilization:

- Dui (兌 duì) – Metal in the West of Hetu (河圖) with the number of Metal is 9. Li - Fire in the South of Hetu (河圖) has the number 7. It means that the number and direction totally match and are reasonable with themselves.

- Diagram of Hetu (河圖) with the direction of generating clockwise Wu Xing (五行) - five elements reflects the reasonable match with most of relevant issues in application methods.

- And the most important thing is only Lac Viet “Later Heaven” combining Hetu (河圖) can show that the interaction effect of celestial bodies near the Earth is a reality which the scientific knowledge has not yet known. In other words, it is the key to open the door of secret of the universe.

Of course, readers have the rights to believe or not. But hopefully, the issue will be discussed when we put the Earth between these two diagrams and compare in the following picture:

The Earth combining LuoShu (洛書) and King Wen “Later Heaven”.

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Chiều ngũ hành overcoming: Direction of overcoming Wu Xing (五行) - five elements

The Earth combining Lac Viet “Later Heaven” and Hetu (河圖)

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Âm trên Hà Đồ: Yin in the Hetu (河圖)

Yang trên Hà Đồ: Yang in the Hetu (河圖)

Sửu: Ox Dog: Dog

Thìn: Dragon Mùi: Sheep

According to two diagrams as mentioned above, it proves my theoretical point that:

Diagram of Hetu (河圖) with the direction of generating Wu Xing (五行) - five elements in clockwise reflects the reasonable match with most of relevant issues in application methods in the Principle of Oriental Astrology.


Only Lac Viet “Later Heaven” combining Hetu (河圖) can show that the interaction effect of celestial bodies near the Earth is a reality which the scientific knowledge has not yet known. In other words, it is the key to open the door of secret of the universe.

The reasonableness of Lac Viet “Later Heaven” combining Hetu (河圖) with the Earth shows that:

12 Zodiacs are described as viewing from top to bottom and the interrelationships of signs in 12 segmentes with the Earth is described. That is the basic principle of the entire application method in the Principle of Oriental Astrology and capability to discover unknown realities in the universe. And according to King Wen “Later Heaven” combining LuoShu (洛書) and the Earth Not, it says nothing.

We cannot find out the right one from the wrong one. Based on this basic principle from Lac Viet “Later Heaven” combining Hetu (河圖), we can see that:

Trigram Gen in Yin Wood of Hetu (河圖)

This is also the basic difference between Chinese ancient book and principle from Viet civilization.

* Trigram Gen in Viet civilization has the original conventional feature of Yin Wood (Has proved in “Back to the origin of I Ching”).

* Trigram Gen in Chinese ancient book, Gen (艮 gèn) has the original feature of “Mountain”. With the principle of Trigram Gen is “Mountain” in Chinese ancient book, it explains nothing. But with Trigram Gen with the original feature of Yin Wood from Viet civilization, we will explain the issue persisted–

The Earth in the interrelationships of the solar system from Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory.

Therefore, from the basic principle of Lac Viet “Later Heaven” Bagua (eight symbols) combining Hetu (河圖), Trigram Gen is in Yin Wood, so how is the relationship between Yin Wood - Gen ( gèn) with the Earth in the interrelationships of the solar system?

Now would you reassess the order of the Solar system from inside to outside:

Before explaining this issue, the writer would like to note of the names of two planets in the solar system of Venus and Mercury:

* Mercury is named after contemporary Astronomy, or Venus is called according to the ancient Oriental astronomy book.

* Venus is named after contemporary Astronomy, or Mercury is called according to the ancient Oriental astronomy book (according to Pangu (盤古), Book of Han (漢書).

The order of the following solar system – with two names of these stars named after ancient book - will be:

@ Sun => Venus => Mercury => Earth => Mars.

This is the “Planet system of group I”, according to the categorization of the contemporary Astronomy)

@ The belt of meteorite with hundreds of million of large and small meteorite blocks is also moving around the Sun (The largest block has the length of hundreds of Km).

@ Jupiter => Saturn =>Uranus => Neptune => Pluto.

(Planet system of group II, according to the categorization of the contemporary Astronomy)

If now the Sun is taken as Earth element (According to the principle of center of Earth in Yin and Yang and Five element theory), ta will see one direction of generating Wu Xing from inside to outside – compare with the name of Sun and planets – as follows: Wu Xing (五行): Earth (Sun) => bears Metal (Venus/ According to the ancient book) => carries Water (Mercury/ According to the ancient book) => nourishes Wood (Equivalent to Earth) => feeds Fire (Mars).

In planet of group II, ancient book only mentioned two stars but it is enough to see the overcoming principle is: Jupiter (Wood) parts Earth (Saturn)

Therefore, you can see that the Earth is equivalent to Wood element. According to Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory, when the generating principle is in the Yang, physical object will be in the Yin (the Yin of the Yang). Therefore, the Sun and planets inside the belt of meteorite is in the Yin and our Earth is Yin Wood: That is position of Trigram Gen in Hetu (河圖).

Refer the below picture:

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So, according to the above proving, the earth is Yin Wood, the statue of Trigram Gen in Hetu (河圖) and in the direction of generating cycle of the solar system from inside to outside and the sun is in the Earth. With this current structure of the solar hệ thống, this is the perfect explanation of Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory.

And this is what is not mentioned in Chinese ancient books.

Comparing with conventions of the contemporary science and the division under the Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory, we see that:

# Planet of group I, according to the contemporary science, begins from Mercury (Venus according to the ancient book) and ends in the belt of meteorite, including 4 stars.

- According to the Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory from Viet civilization, the direction of generating cycle begins from the sun of Earth, and ends in the belt of meteorite. To determine that the earth is in Yin Wood by the direction of generating cycle from inside to outside (Refer to the above picture), including 5 stars– with the sun.

# Planet of group II, according to the contemporary science, ends in the current Pluto and cannot explain the phenomenon why Pluto has the same structure and feature as planet of group I?

- According to the Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory from Viet civilization, overcoming cycle of Wu Xing includes 5 stars and ends in Pluto. It means that it totally matches with convention in division of the contemporary science.

But the unique thing is that:

With the division according to the Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory from Viet civilization, repetitive structure of Pluto in comparison with planet of group I – which the science cannot explain – ends the cycle of five element theory and have the repetition at the begining of the previous cycle, so the Pluto is the same as planet of group I. Refer to the above picture.

According to the above evidences and provings, we find that the reasonable match is nearly to the real situation of the solar system being aware of according to the contemporary science, but it is explained by the methodology of the Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory in terms of position of the Earth in the solar system. We also know that the Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory have become application methods in reality: Feng shui, astronomy, medicine, numeric calendar, etc. and basic methodology of application methods passing in the ancient Oriental culture. Therefore, the explanation matches and is nearly reasonable in terms of the structure of planets in the solar system as mentioned above. It cannot be considered the contingence, but can only show that it is a reality realized from Viet civilization in the Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory in terms of the solar system.

It is also another evidence that the Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory are results of real awarenesses from the universe, when they reflect properly the reality of the planet system in the solar system under their concept.

This knowledge is not mentioned in Chinese ancient book since the grandiose civilization of Van Lang collapsed more than 2000 years ago.

The issue does not halt here.

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Principle of Oriental Astrology and the secret of the universe - Part 4

Astrology and the interaction effect of the universe relating to the Earth

Astrology department not only exists in the ancient Oriental civilization. The cultural exchange shows that the Western civilization also has ancient astrology. Today, human’s knowledge shows that trails of the astrology exist in all ancient civilizations, although there were not any cultural exchange in these civilizations. It is obviously for those with the average knowledge, so the writer will not probably prove again.

The universe and astrology in different ancient civilizations.

Astrology department not only exists in the ancient Oriental civilization. The cultural exchange shows that the Western civilization also has ancient astrology. Today, human’s knowledge shows that trails of the astrology exist in all ancient civilizations, although there were not any cultural exchange in these civilizations. It is obviously for those with the average knowledge, so the writer will not probably prove again.

One thing should be noted that all of such foretelling and astrology show their origin of the universe - including constellations near the earth. It is obviously for the Western astrology as arranging your date of birth in 12 constellations around the Zodiac. It also does not need to prove. If you want to know, just send text message to YDA D, you will know which constellation you belong to. The outstanding of the Western astrology is that we can show your fatal constellation of 12 constellations in the sky. But being the same as the Oriental astrology, the Westerner also cannot explain why such constellations affect your life.

The below is extracted from “Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East”, the Professor Blair T.Spalding’s origin, Oxford University, translated by Nguyen Phong.

This work had created the strong wave in Europe & America at the beginning of the 20th century, when the Eastern thought drew attention in this region, introduced by Hoang Viet in article “Tâm Linh”.

Professor Oliver sat still and quietly without any words, proving what Babu said was not wrong. The hard atmosphere covered the room. Babu keeps on with his cold answer:

- Do you want me to say more details or about the future?

Professor Oliver shook his head and brushed aside, his face was pale like one with very terrible thing. The professor said:

- But why do far stars have impact on each individual?

Babu answered leisurely:

- If stars are too far, how does the experimental science explain the effect of moon on rising and ebbing tide or the cycle in woman’s body?

- But if I have an accident, does it have anything to do with planets?

Babu smiled and shook his head:

- You should think that stars are just symbols. They themselves have nothing to do with us, but our past has affected our current life. Stars only reflect this effect. No body can understand astrology if they not believe the rule of Reincarnation. People die and recycle in many incarnations. His destiny watches his and affects his life according to the rule of Karma – cause and effect. If we không believe that people die and reincarnate to learn, to evolve, and to become the perfect person, then is everything just a chance? Does the God with his humanity and equality tolerate it? When people die, their bodies decay, but their character, passion, and their will are still intact until they reincarnate in a new life, then these characters will become personality of the next incarnation. Planets are only mirror to record these causes and reflect. Any action also creates either good or bad cause, e.g. we throw the ball up in the air, sooner or later, it will fall down because of its weight and effect of gravitational force of the earth, but when it falls down depends on our throwing force. Astrology department studies these cosmic rays to foresee when the previous reason will come back. Babu kept silent for a while and leisurely explained. Before going further, I want you to understand the history of astrology so to have a right insight. Since time immemorial, astrology has been still considered an important science. Astrologer only takes the second position, just right after clergyman. The object of astrology department is the universe. Unfortunately, this part has been lost tradition, only a small part has mentioned the relationship between human and stars, and passed until today and considered fortune-telling. Nobody can know when the astrology came from, but the philosopher Bhrigu taught his followers about 6000 years ago. Its key is in the book Brahma Chinta, written by him.

The explanation of Babu in the above extraction is very ambiguous and does not have scientific bases. But the writer extracted this paragraph to show the reason from the universe affecting human’s destiny in very ancient astrology in India.

“The object of astrology is the universe. Unfortunately, this part has got lost, only small part mentioned the relationship between the person and stars, and is passed until now and considered fortune-telling”.

This is of course the destiny of the Oriental astrology and the western astrology.

But we also find that all ancient – even if very ambiguous - foretellings also show their origin of the universe. Because of lost tradition, it becomes secret.

This book was published 100 years ago, when the human’s knowledge – typically the author of this book “Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East” – was very ambiguous of effects of interaction with rule of the universe.

And now, in this 21st century, knowledge of the contemporary science has the foundation of knowledge so that the man can continue discovering secrets of the universe from the remaining ancient knowledge of the destroyed civilization. This is unknown realities of the contemporary scientific knowledge.

The Contemporary science has acknowledged the interaction in the universe and it has seen all celestial bodies near the Earth. But the contemporary science has never been aware of each interaction effect with specific rule of such celestial body. Is there the ancient civilization, that has found out this reality deeply and applied it, creating the foretelling method for destiny of a person?

The time and evolution will make tadpoles become frogs and return to their true origin.

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The Frog and Little Bear

Symbol of grandiose universal knowledge ourdpole civilization

Astrology and the interaction effect of the universe relating to the Earth

I have presented and shown in my articles that in the remaining intangible cultural heritage from the ancient civilizations, there were ancient astrology and foretelling skills. Factors of origin of these astrology departments directly addressed to the universe. But it was ambiguous space because unrecognized realities between the universe and astrology department make it mysterious.

I have also shown that all westeastern astrology departments are only application methods and consequence of the reality awareness of the universe by concepts of such awareness. With that awareness of lost tradition and unknown reality, we cannot understand the content of concept reflecting reality that the contemporary science has not been aware of.

The contemporary science has acknowledged that interaction is reason to form the thing and the fact.

The contemporary science has also acknowledged that the foretelling skill cannot exist without rule. The recent existence of astronomy software Skymap Pro has shown the rule of the universe. It is very simple that if the movement of planets and celestial bodies near the earth does not have the rule, it cannot programme this astronomy software.

Therefore, it is totally scientific bases to suppose that:

The reality has created astrology department in ancient civilizations, that are effects of interaction with rule of the universe to the human’s life in the earth and create the foretelling skill for each human’s destiny.

The foretelling skill cannot exist without rule.

All conditions for discovery are completed, but where can we start to open the door of secret of the universe?

Ladies and Gentlement,

The writer of this essay has shown that the Yin and Yang theory and Five element theory - foundation of the Principle of Oriental Astrology – are scientific doctrine reflecting the reality of the universe. This has been shown through its applied consequences of the Observing time and reasonableness in explaining structure of the solar system by this doctrine.

But we will never find out the right one from the wrong one. Therefore, the key to open the door of secret in discovering unknown realities in the universe is Lac Viet “Later Heaven” combining Hetu (河圖). And the strange thing, that is also the proving of the above supposition is the Astrology – foretelling human’s destiny of the Principle of Oriental Astrology.

For this proving, refer to the picture of Lac Viet “Later Heaven” Bagua combining Hetu (河圖) and the Earth:

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Hetu (河圖) and Lac Viet “Later Heaven” combining the Earth

With the basic principle in application methods of “Lac Viet “Later Heaven” combining Hetu (河圖)” found out and rehabilitated from Lac Viet civilization, continue showing the reasonableness theory for explaining and clearifying secrets of the universe in the Principle of Oriental Astrology. The above diagram has been combined with 12 Earthly Segments; it is totally suitable and matches with the nature of the five element theory and the direction of generating cycle of 12 Earthly Segments.

For the nature of Hetu (河圖) and Lac Viet “Later Heaven”, I have proved in essays on forum and in published books. Therefore it will not be mentioned again in this essay. Now we compare the Diagram of Hetu (河圖) and Lac Viet “Later Heaven” combining the Earth with the following Diagram of Astrology.

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Diagram of astrology

(It has been turned 180 degree to easily compare with direction of current map)

Đồ hình tử vi: Diagram of astrology

Bắc: North Nam: South

Hợi: Pig Horse: Horse

Tí: Rat Mùi: Sheep

Sửu: Ox Thân: Monkey

Dần: Tiger Dậu: Rooster

Mão: Rabbit Dog: Dog

Thìn: Dragon

Tỵ: Snake

Nam: South

Horse: Horse

Mùi: Sheep

Thân: Monkey

Dậu: Rooster

Dog: Dog

From diagram Astrology with apparent diagram of Lac Viet “Later Heaven” bagua combining Hetu (河圖) and the Earth, we will find that:

# They totally match together in terms of the nature of generating cycle of Five element theory and the combination of 12 Earthly Segments between two diagrams.

# The gradient of The Earth (21 degree 5) nearly matches with bisector dividing Kan (坎 kǎn)/ Li (離 ) into two (22 degree 5). It means that North/ South axis – in Lac Viet “Later Heaven” bagua & Hetu (河圖).

# Palace division of Lac Viet “Later Heaven” with Hetu (河圖) totally matches with the direction of the Earth:

- Kan (坎 kǎn)/ Water/ North = Hetu (河圖)/Water/ North in the North of the Earth.

- Zhen (震 zhèn)/ Wood/ East = Hetu (河圖)/ Wood/East in the East of the Earth.

- Li (離 )/ Fire/ South = Hetu (河圖)/ Fire/ Nam in the South of the Earth.

- Dui (兌 duì)/ Kim/ West = Hetu (河圖)/Kim/ West in the West of the Earth.

This phenomenon shows the objective reality relating to the Earth, that is basis for the match between the knowledge of contemporary science totally suitable to apparent conventions in the Astrology.

From this reality, we will consider important components in foretelling methodology of Astrology.

Axes in Astrology are equivalent to the Earth and the interaction from the universe.

I - Dragon/ Dog axis:

1- The division between the West (Dui (兌 duì))/ Northwest (Gen (艮 gèn)) and East (Zhen (震 zhèn))/ Southeast (Kun – according to Lac Viet “Later Heaven”) is Dragon/ Dog axis (Refer to the above picture). It is the “Zodiac” plane of the Earth.

2- In reality of astronomy, we all know that Zodiac plane is apparent plane of most of orbit of stars affecting the Earth. It means that they have the strongest interaction effect in Dragon/ Dog palace.

In comparison with horoscope (Zi wei dou shu (紫微斗數)), most of safe stars in Astrology begin from these two Dragon & Dog palaces.

These stars are categorized middle sign in Zi wei dou shu (紫微斗數) as follows:

Tả Phụ (左輔星); Hữu Bật (右弼星); Văn Xương (文昌星); Văn Khúc (文曲星); Long Trì (龍池星); Phương Các (方閣星); Thiên La (天蘿星); Địa Võng (地網星);

besides, there are stars relating to safe stars from Dragon - Dog palace:

Tam Thai (三胎星); Bát Toạ (八座星); Ân Quang (恩光星); Thiên Quí (天貴星); Thai Phụ (胎輔星); Phong cáo (封誥星);

Two palaces of Dragon/ Dog are also two stars with great impact on the nature of stars. For example, the sentence is ”Trai bất nhân Phá quân Thìn Tuất”. (translated: “Inhumane men in Alkaid star of Dragon and Dog”)

This shows the strong effect of the universe in Zodiac line and it also matches between interaction reality of the universe that we knew generally with application in the Astrology. This type of basis shows apparent quantities of Astrology with the origin from the universe, resulting from this coincidence.

II - Rat/ Horse axis.

Kan (坎 kǎn)/ Li (離 ) Axes are two palaces begin the division and transformation of the Yin and Yang theory in Lac Viet “Later Heaven” bagua.

* Yang: Li (離 ) - Xun (巽 xùn) – Dui (兌 duì) => Gen (艮 gèn) is anode.

* Yin: Kan (坎 kǎn) - Gen (艮 gèn) - Zhen (震 zhèn) => Kun (坤 kūn) is cathode.

Due to uncompleted receipt of Chinese ancient book, King Wen “Later Heaven” bagua (eight symbols) in text of Chinese ancient characters cannot divide this axis. In other words, due to the different position of Xun (巽 xùn)/ Kun (坤 kūn), do not have transformation of the Yin and Yang theory in axis of Rat/ Horse (Refer to the above picture).

1 - Rat/ Horse axis is also the strongest effect of the sun at midday (Horse) and its corresponding palace is midnight (Rate).

2 - Rat/ Horse axis is North/ South axis of the Earth’s magnetic field.

In foretelling methodology of Astrology, Rat/ Horse axis has effect with special arrangements relating to this axis. In reality, Rat/ Horse axis relating to the North/ South pole of the Earth shows the match between phenomenon in Astrology and knowledge of contemporary Astronomy.

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